se chhootana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word se chhootana usage in english sentences. The examples of se chhootana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., escape.

Men and women moved in search of livelihood, as also to escape from natural disasters like floods or droughts.कभी लोग काम की तलाश में तो कभी प्राकृतिक आपदाओं के कारण एक स्थान से दूसरे स्थान जाया करते थे|

Playing cricket in the privacy of these clubs was more than just fun: it was also an escape from the strangeness, discomfort and danger of their stay in India.
This kind of waste material should be destroyed or burned through special techniques, and the smoke should not be allowed to escape into the air that people breathe.
This novel shows a young man from an 'untouchable' caste, leaving his village to escape the cruelty of his Brahmin landlord.
He was right: there was no escape from the direct hit predicted by him.
When a liquid evaporates in a closed container, molecules with relatively higher kinetic energy escape the liquid surface into the vapour phase and number of liquid molecules from the vapour phase strike the liquid surface and are retained in the liquid phase.
Molecules from the liquid water collide against ice and adhere to it and some molecules of ice escape into liquid phase.
Those who could not escape in time suffered burns to their eyes, skin and lungs from the gas.
CO2 traps heat and does not allow it to escape into space.
Women are by nature of inferior understanding, without resolution, unworthy of trust … Many of them, on the death of their husbands, become desirous of accompanying them; but to remove every chance of their trying to escape from the blazing fire, in burning them we first tie them down to the pile.
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